Self-Help Handouts

Stress and Well-Being Module (4 pages):

This stress and well-being module provides a checklist for determining if you are experiencing signs of stress, lists common sources of daily stress, who is most at risk, common stressful events, stress facts, and common ways of coping.

Social Support Wellness Module (4 pages):

This social support module describes types of social support, getting your needs met, why social support is important, pros and cons of support, when you might want to change your social support network, social support and mental illness, and how you can improve your social support network.

Problem-Solving Wellness Module (4 pages):

This problem-solving module describes why problem-solving is an important skill and the 7 steps to solving difficult problems.

Dealing with Negative Emotions (1 page):

This negative emotions handout categorizes the different ways you can deal with negative emotions.

Unhelpful Thinking Habits Handout (1 page):

This unhelpful thinking habits handout lists common thinking errors that may lead to a negative mood. It also lists alternative thoughts that could help you distance from those unhelpful thoughts.

Writing as Therapy (2 pages):

This writing as therapy handout describes why writing can be useful and 7 ways in which writing can be used to help you feel better.

Why Mindfulness? (1 page):

This why mindfulness? handout makes the case for mindfulness as a helpful way to respond to stress.